Complementary iGCSE and GCSE studies for anglophones

For many families whose children are studying in French education establishments, they recognise the added value of complementary studies in English with an aim to follow iGCSE studies in tandem with the pursuit of the Brevet diploma attained in collège. For this reason we have developed a programme of study which can help students to realise as many iGCSE qualifications as possible depending on the workload and availability of the student during their time at collège.

The two core subjects that tend to be demanded by further education establishments or employers are iGCSE English Language and Mathematics.

iGCSE English Language - start with ks3 in 6° and 5°, moving to iGCSE studies in 4° and 3° exams in 3°
iGCSE Mathematics - start with ks3 in 6° and 5°, moving to iGCSE studies in 4° and 3° exams in 3°
iGCSE French - past papers and some vocabulary work can be accessed from September of 4°, aiming for exams in May 3°

English and Maths take place Wednesday morning 9-11 and 11-1 in 6° and 5°, Wednesday afternoons 2-4 and 4-6 in 4° and 3°.

Art & Design takes place weekly Wednesday afternoons and Saturday 10-3 once a month.

We provide lessons for the following subjects at iGCSE and GCSE level:
SubjectKS3 6eme & 5eme fees per yearKS4 4eme & 3eme IGCSE fees per yearExam entry fees
English Language€540€900€150
English Literature€540€900€150
Business Studies€540€900€150
Art & Design€540€940€300
Frenchn/aNo fees unless extra support or marking of mock papers is required€170
To enrol your child in these programmes please email or call 0553642497 with any questions that you might have.


47410 St Colomb de Lauzun
05 53 40 60 54

The Old School : College - Lycée
Etablissement d’enseignement secondaire privé hors contrat RNE 0471040A

website by: Abbey Hill Studios